About Mike Buchanan

Mike Buchanan (1957- ) is a British writer, publisher, and men’s human rights advocate. He’s the leader of the political party Justice for men & boys (and the women who love them) http://j4mb.org.uk – ‘J4MB’ – which will contest marginal seats in the May 2015 general election.

The name of the party was exclusively revealed in an article published by the world’s most-visited men’s human rights advocacy website on 3 February 2013, along with some of the thinking behind forming the party:


Mike was formerly a business executive and consultant before taking early retirement in 2010. He’s written nine books since 2008. They’re available to order worldwide through the usual channels and also through his publishing website www.lpspublishing.co.uk. His feminism-related books are:

David and Goliatha: David Cameron – heir to Harman? (2010)

The Glass Ceiling Delusion: the REAL reasons more women don’t reach senior positions (2011)

Feminism: the ugly truth (2012)

The Glass Ceiling Delusion has received numerous testimonials including the following:

Equality of opportunity is a fine thing but equality of outcome is another matter entirely. There is little doubt that men and women have, on average, different talents and interests that make gender quotas in the workplace unfair and impractical. The Glass Ceiling Delusion is a welcome, well-argued addition to the debate about whether women should be pushed up the social ladder just because they are women, and thus at a presumed disadvantage. This is rather an insult to women and Margaret Thatcher, for one, would not have agreed. Individuals should be treated as individuals, not as members of a particular race, class or gender. Whatever the historic injustices, this is the only way that social structures can evolve naturally.

Glenn Wilson Visiting Professor of Psychology, Gresham College, London

The Glass Ceiling Delusion attacks head-on the militant feminist myth that men and women have the same interests and capabilities. Reviewing a wide range of evidence, Mike Buchanan shows that the under-representation of women in senior positions in business has nothing to do with discrimination and ‘glass ceilings’, and that attempts to impose quotas are therefore fundamentally flawed. A polemical book with an important message.

Peter Saunders Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Sussex University

The Glass Ceiling Delusion makes a significant counter-argument to the debate about women in boardrooms, and for this reason alone it deserves to be read. Whilst I’m personally too old to enter the fray, I’d nonetheless like to add that every scholarly study I’ve read about women in management during the past fifteen years indicates that successful women have exactly the same characteristics as successful men. All my life I’ve admired successful women as much as successful men and have had the privilege of working for and with many of them. A typical example is the brilliant Diane Thompson of the Camelot Group. Another is Professor Lynette Ryals, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of my own University. Women like this get to the top on sheer talent; they have no need of a ‘gender agenda’.

In this debate, however, we also need to be aware that we need pressure groups to ameliorate deep seated prejudices in society, but a point is inevitably reached beyond which we must let meritocracy in a free society take over, otherwise we enter the dangerous domain of social engineering. The irony is that Mike Buchanan’s own movement, Campaign for Merit in Business, is also a pressure group. So, whilst I don’t agree with everything he says and does, I believe his book at least deserves to be read and seriously considered, preferably dispassionately.

Malcolm McDonald Emeritus Professor, Cranfield School of Management

At long last, someone has taken on the myth of discrimination against women who aspire to senior positions in business, including the boardrooms of major corporations. The Glass Ceiling Delusion demythologizes each of thirty elements the author has identified of the now generally accepted claim that women are discriminated against in the world of white-collar work. Much has been accomplished recently in disclosing the half-truths about women and domestic violence, for example, but Buchanan illuminates an area that other critics of ideological feminism have not considered. Buchanan’s analysis is based partly on his experience of working as an executive for major British and American multinational corporations for over 30 years until 2010. His book should inspire research on settings of corporate power everywhere. Always witty and sometimes even biting in style, Buchanan’s text is grounded in important texts in psychobiology, sociology, history and politics. It is an impassioned yet not angry argument that deserves the careful attention of policy-makers and a general readership.

Professor Miles Groth PhD Editor, New Male Studies: An International Journal

The Glass Ceiling Delusion is an important and brave book, the best book on social economics and society in general published for decades. It’s irresistibly compelling, cogently argued and superbly put together. It should be in all school and college libraries. It should be compulsory reading for social science, economics and politics students. It should be force-fed to male and female politicians. This is definitely a five-star book. Brilliant. Brilliant. Brilliant. Brilliant. Brilliant.

Dr Vernon Coleman bestselling English author

Mike runs five blogs. The first is concerned with gender feminism while the second is focused on Mike’s campaign for merit being the sole basis for recruitment and promotion in the workplace, in opposition to the campaigns which seek ‘improved’ gender diversity in senior executive positions including in the boardroom – regardless of individual women’s merit compared with their male peers. Those campaigns are attacks on the principle of meritocracy in business, they’re inspired and sustained by militant feminist ideology, yet they’re supported and partly financed by the current Conservative-led coalition.

Anti-Feminism League: https://fightingfeminism.wordpress.com

Campaign for Merit in Business: http://c4mb.wordpress.com

Justice for men & boys (and the women who love them): http://j4mb.org.uk

The Alternative Sexism Project: http://thealternativesexismproject.wordpress.com

Men shouldn’t marry: http://menshouldntmarry.wordpress.com

Mike would be happy to support anyone with an ambition to write a book about feminism and its consequences. His email address is mike@j4mb.org.uk and his phone number 07967 026163.

12 Responses to About Mike Buchanan

  1. Pingback: „Vai dusmīga un nelaimīga?” Stereotipi un aizspriedumi par feminismu Latvijā | punctum

  2. Glad to see this thing coming into the msm at last. For decades it has been swept under the carpet using the whole gamut of fallacious arguments. I can only assume it is because women are waking up to the fact that men checking out of society in ones and twos has finally snowballed into a very real and dangerous phenomena. I don’t know which Frenchman first said “Vive la différance” but I concur wholeheartedly with the sentiment and not just in the bedroom.

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  5. feathers2013 says:

    First of all – I agree that all people should be treated like individual people, regardless of gender, race, etc. That is a sensible argument- positive discrimination is still discrimination.
    However, the demonisation of the word ‘feminism’ in general is one way to taint the whole idea of feminism. The whole idea of feminism being that woman are to be as free as men and treated like individuals – like general people. A non-specific and non-labelled person. I realise that this is impossible for the human race to do, but it would be a start. If what you are against is, in fact, ‘radical feminism’ (which is the man-hating ideology) – then fine, make sure you specify it. When you use the general term ‘feminism’ without specifying, you lump everyone in with the people who hate men and want to ‘destroy’ them, regardless of whether they feel this way or not. This is akin to saying that all people who are Muslim are terrorists. Once again, the radical minority warps the majority into something that can be hated because it is wrong. Sadly, people latch onto the emotionally charged buzz-words and do not read the background arguments. This can be convenient for you however, as you can say what you like and then hide behind this idea of there being a well written argument. I for one, am sick of radical people on both sides of this argument – why can’t we all be treated as individuals? We don’t say that all people of a certain ethnic background have similar interests and then set out work or political programmes accordingly, do we? If we did, there would be an outrage. So why do it for men and women? Perhaps you believe in the ‘eye for an eye’ philosophy. Is this really the best solution?

    • Thanks for this. I’ve made it clear on countless occasions (in my books, blogs, articles, speeches…) that the form of feminism I abhor – the one that attacks almost every pillar of civilised societies – is militant/radical/gender feminism, a female supremacist movement driven by misandry. It’s the only form of feminism which has been of the slightest importance (particularly in political and economic terms) for 30+ years in the UK and across much of the developed world.

      Equity feminists have done almost nothing to distance themselves from militant feminists, with a few notable examples, e.g. Christina Hoff Sommers in her book ‘Who Stole Feminism? How women betrayed women’. Until and unless equity feminists (who seek equality of opportunity, as do I – but then women have had this for 30+ years at least) dissociate themselves publicly from militant feminists, I shall remain disinclined to spend much time making a distinction between the two.

  6. Alex Brown says:

    Mike what I find ironic, is the fact that women demand that state supports females with low confidence, but a women won’t even look at a men unless he acts confident. (Often in a superficial and shallow way.)

    As a low status male struggling to raise myself up, I can tell you, that if you don’t have confidence no one cares. The only support I’ve ever gotten is from my fellow man.

  7. derickburton says:

    I have just watched your appearance on BBC Daily Politics and was astounded at the non arguments that were levelled against you. Thank you for your work.

    • Thanks for the kind words. I wish we’d had a bit longer, because I wasn’t able to answer the point Heather Rabbatts made at the end, about people resisting the transfer of power to women through quotas (or the threat of them). By that point she’d stopped pretending that more women deserved board positions on the grounds of merit. Her point on woman needing ‘support’ because they lack confidence was truly scraping the bottom of the barrel. I can see a FTSE100 chairman now, interviewing such a woman… ‘What’s that, Ms Johnson, you REALLY want to be a director of our company, but you’re a bit nervous because you don’t have the necessary experience, expertise, or personal qualities? No problem. You’re a woman, and you got quite a good grade in your GCSE Business Studies exam, so come on board!’

    • sowerofsalt says:

      I agree, the lack of impartiality was pretty damn shocking too.

      The presenter began with ‘Should women [smash through the glass ceiling] on their own or with a little help’, this is both begging the question (an assumption that the glass ceiling exists) and a false dichotomy, these are not the only choices available for women.

      Keep going Mike, this debate needs forcing into the public discourse. Render the feminist fields untillable for our generation and the following ones.

  8. kipmiller says:

    Mike, I am currently trying to legally challenge the Nuffield Foundation Children and Families programme which I claim is sexist. You can the gist of the application at;- http://nuffieldfoundationfightingfund.wordpress.com/ You can also see the documents on faceBOOK at;- https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150779860228203.481201.538163202&type=1&l=2896af154e
    All the best with the campaign, Kingsley Miller – kip

  9. Pingback: Time for next generation feminism? | The Friday Room

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