Fighting feminism – let’s get political

[This website is no longer being updated. All new posts are being published on the website of our associated political party and/or the website of our associated Campaign for Merit in Business. We also run two other sites – The Alternative Sexism Project and Men shouldn’t marry.]

In February 2013 our political party Justice for men & boys (and the women who love them) was registered with the Electoral Commission. We’re planning to change the face of British politics. The party’s name – and some of our thinking behind launching a political party – were revealed in an article Mike Buchanan wrote for the most-visited and most influential men’s human rights advocacy website in the world, A Voice for Men.

British men and boys have been increasingly insulted and demonised over the past 50 years by angry vociferous women driven by misandry (hatred of men). Men’s and boys’ interests have been ever more assaulted by the actions and inactions of politicians seeking to placate those women, particularly over the past 30 years, with no democratic mandate to do so. Conservative and Labour governments have been equally bad in this respect, and the current Conservative-led coalition is the worst of them all, with David Cameron slavishly following policy directions set by Harriet Harman and other gender feminist politicians over the past 30 years.

Men collectively pay 72% of the state’s income tax revenues, while women collectively pay only 28% and receive disproportionately far more from the state in return. Men pay a total of £68 billion more income tax annually than women, yet they’re increasingly ignored and disadvantaged by the state they largely finance.

We’re receiving support (and donations) not only from men, but also from women, who believe (as we do) in equality of opportunities for men and women rather than equality of outcomes, which require anti-meritocratic social engineering initiatives to deliver, cause considerable damage to the fabric of a civilised society, and result in justifiable resentment among men who are unfairly disadvantaged.

We’re receiving support from women who are mothers of boys, and see them increasingly disadvantaged by the education system.

We’re receiving support from women who love their male partners, fathers, brothers, male friends and acquaintances, and who deplore the assaults on those men’s interests.

One area we find women particularly angry about is the state’s continuing failure to ensure men are allowed reasonable access to their children, if and when their vindictive ex-partners deny them that access. Many women believe, as we do, that such denial of access is emotional abuse of men and children.

Our party will raise public consciousness about the many disadvantages and discriminations faced by men and boys in modern Britain, and campaign to have them reversed. We’ve completed a public consultation exercise and we’re currently working on our 2015 general election manifesto.

Our prime areas of concern are:

1. Paternal access to children – following relationship breakdowns, the state ensures fathers meet their financial obligations towards their children, whilst not ensuring them reasonable access to the same children. We believe this to be emotional abuse of both fathers and their children.

2. Domestic abuse / violence – there’s a great deal of evidence showing women are at least as aggressive as men in their intimate relationships, yet virtually all state support for victims of domestic abuse / violence is directed towards female victims, not male victims.

3. Anti-male bias in legislation and official guidelines for civil servants – these anti-male biases should be scrapped. No legislation or official guidelines favour men over women.

4. Political representation – there’s a Minister for Women, but no Minister for Men. The government should repeal legislation which enables political parties to use women-only shortlists to select prospective parliamentary candidates.

5. Education – a highly feminised education system ensures 60% of university students are female.

6. Employment – almost two-thirds of public sector workers are women, yet the ‘public sector equality duty’ in the Equality Act (2010) allows public sector organisations to favour women over men, when recruiting.

7. Marriage and divorce – in an era when women have long enjoyed equal employment rights as men, it’s unfair that women continue to achieve personal enrichment through divorce.

8. Health – the state spends far more on health provision for women e.g. almost as many men die of prostate cancer as women die of breast cancer, yet the state spends only a third of the sum on early diagnosis of prostate cancer, as it spends on early diagnosis of breast cancer.

9. Justice system – when convicted of the same crime, men are far more likely than women to receive custodial sentences, and more severe sentences generally. 80,000 British men are in prison, and 4,000 women, yet the government’s focus is on reducing the number of women in prison.

10. Anonymity for people suspected of sexual assault – the coalition government committed to reinstating anonymity for people suspected of sexual assault (until and unless convicted) but reneged on the commitment once in office.

11. The business sector – the government continues to bully companies (through its continuing threats of gender quotas) into increasing the proportion of women in their senior reaches – e.g. in the boardrooms of FTSE100 companies – despite being aware of the evidence that in doing so, they’re harming those companies’ future financial performance.

12. Homelessness – over 90% of homeless people are men.

13. Suicide – the suicide rate among men is 3x that among women.

14. Retirement age – on average men die earlier, yet retire later.

15. Abortion law reform – in 2012, in England and Wales, 185,122 abortions were carried out. 180,117 (97%) of them were carried out on the grounds of reducing the risk of injury to the physical or mental health of the women. Of these, 180,008 (99.94%) were carried out on risk to mental health grounds although there’s no evidence to support the thesis that abortion reduces the risk to women’s mental health.

We’ll be will contesting marginal seats at the May 2015 general election, and our primary objective will be to raise public consciousness about the state’s assaults – through its action and inaction – on the human rights of men and boys. While we’ll be fighting to win those seats, even a modest number of votes could be enough to unseat the sitting MPs. In later general elections, when we field more candidates, J4MB could change the outcome of elections. This would put men’s human rights squarely on the political ‘radar’ in the UK for the first time. The parties would thereafter have no choice but to engage with us in an effort to deter us from contesting their marginal seats, and start to reverse 30+ years of state-sponsored discriminations against men and boys.

The hostile, poisonous, undemocratic, anti-meritocratic, anti-male culture which has developed over 30+ years must be challenged and defeated for the sakes of men, women, and children. For the sake of Britain as a civilised society. The challenge will have to start at the ballot box, which is why we’ve launched a political party.

Political campaigns inevitably cost money to run, and we’ve a great deal of work to do. The people working for the party, including myself, receive no personal income from donations. 100% of donations are used to fund campaign-related costs, including deposits for candidates at general elections. An accountant ensures we abide strictly with Electoral Commission guidelines for political party funding and expenditure. So I’m making a personal appeal to you. Please donate what you can, to help us make the future brighter for men and boys, and the women who love them.

Feel free to contact me at any time. My email address is, my mobile number 07967 026163. Thank you for your interest in our work.

Mike Buchanan

About Mike Buchanan

I'm a British anti-feminist men's human rights advocate, writer, and publisher. My key websites are LPS Publishing, Campaign for Merit in Business, Laughing at Feminists E, T 07967 026163 (UK).
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9 Responses to Fighting feminism – let’s get political

  1. cptnemo2013 says:

    Reblogged this on MGTOW 2.0.

  2. callakenney says:

    Reblogged this on Breaking Away From Modern Feminism and commented:
    I sincerely wish I was living in the UK and could lend more support to this cause.

  3. callakenney says:

    I am a citizen of the US, and I just have to say, why can’t I find this in my country? During my researches I have come across similar US statistics, yet there is no one here who will actively gather and fight to change the injustice. I applaud your efforts and I sincerely hope you achieve what you set out to do.

    I see that you have included the Domestic Abuse issue, but I would like to ask (as this subject hits close to home for me), is there any recourse in your country if a male is sexually assaulted by a female? If not, what are the reasons/concerns that prevent it?

    • Thanks for this. To my mind the most important men’s human rights resource in the US (and indeed the world) is ‘A Voice for Men’ Worldwide, men who are assaulted by women aren’t believed, and are assaulted by the state. The basis of this is deeply biological, in my view, but feminists have made the problem FAR worse than it ever was. DV is a major source of financing for militant feminists.

      • callakenney says:

        Thank you for the link.

        I know several men, including my 78 year old great-uncle, who have been arrested erroneously in DV cases, and they have had no legal recourse at all, except to accept the judge’s ruling to avoid jail time. I have been trying to find some way to get active on this issue for some time now, but as you can probably understand, I haven’t had much luck.

    • Here some detailed information if you want to read about Domestic Violence!

  4. Pingback: Fighting feminism - let's get political | Mascu...

  5. viritas says:

    I came across your campaign quite by accident but I must say it strikes a chord with me. I belong to one of the most vilified minorities in this county. A minority that can be humiliated, discriminated against and treated with contempt without recourse. I am of course talking about white males.

    In advertising and the media we are portrayed as sex objects or incompetent fools, fair game for the butt of jokes. Discriminated in the work place in the name of political correctness.
    All resulting in poor self-esteem, lower educational achievement and a soaring suicide rate.

    Mutual respect and gender irrelevance should be the preferred dispensation.

    I myself am the father of two young daughters and my wife is disabled. Whenever I am overlooked for promotion or demonised for my gender it hurts not just me but the 3 women in my life.

    Misandry is as evil as misogyny. Anyone who thinks differently is a chauvinist and a bigot
    as vile and narrow minded as any racist or male chauvinist of the past.

    Despite your background I do not see your campaign as Conservative in nature. I see the fight back against institutionalised misandry as a fight for fairness and equality NOT trying to establish male dominance.

    I am a natural Labour supporter (on most things) and a trade union activist as was my mother. But this issue transcends left/right politics. In fact if Labour view themselves as about progressive equality then their anti-male prejudice is an affront to their own beliefs.

    It could be considered that with your former links to the Tory party you will be seen as some sort of right-wing male chauvinist and old school Tory. I feel the point you are making would gain a much wider appeal if it was completely and utterly divorced from any traditional red or blue camps.

    Anyway, good luck and I sincerely hope your campaign gains some traction.

  6. Pingback: Fighting feminism – let’s get political | Reyeko MRA

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